06 April 2020 – Tunisia

While the Tunisian government has taken several steps to protect prison populations, the GDP has been unable to find any reports indicating that authorities have adopted measures to assist migrants and asylum seekers, including those in detention. Instead, on 24 March it was reported that migrants continued to be placed in Ben Guerdane and Al […]

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Tunisia's Minister of Justice visits Manouba women's prison to ensure that preventive measures are being put in place, Kapitalis, 12 March 2020 (http://kapitalis.com/tunisie/2020/03/13/coronavirus-sterilisation-et-autres-mesures-preventives-dans-les-prisons-tunisiennes/)

06 April 2020 – Thailand

Despite severe overcrowding characterising Thailand’s immigration detention facilities, the GDP has been unable to find any reports indicating that authorities have taken steps to protect, or release, immigration detainees. While the country has drafted measures which remove the need for foreign tourists, stuck in the country due to airline cancellations, to apply for visa extensions, […]

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Fears of the uncontrolled spread of Covid-19 in Buriam Prison led to protests within the facility, 29 March 2020 (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/coronavirus-rumour-sparks-prison-riot-thailand-buriram-200329111845599.html)

06 April 2020 – Norway

A number of individuals have been released from immigration detention as a result of measures implemented in response to the pandemic. As of early April, the Police Immigration Department had released 10 individuals as deportations became impossible to undertake. Those released are required to remain in a stated location, either a private address or asylum […]

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Arrival Centre in Råde in Norway, (https://www.moss-avis.no/ankomstsenter-%C3%B8stfold)

06 April 2020 – Spain

Spain was one of the first countries in Europe to release immigration detainees amidst the Covid-19 crisis, to date. However the GDP has found little information detailing the situation that released detainees now face, or the level of support that they are receiving. As flights were grounded and movement halted, it was quickly apparent that […]

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The Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros (CIE) de Aluche in Madrid has been temporarily closed during the pandemic, Europa Press (https://tinyurl.com/sx3qeov)

06 April 2020 – Malta

The Hal Far Open Migrant Centre was placed under quarantine on 5 April, after eight migrants contracted the virus. The facility currently houses approximately 1,000 persons in over-crowded conditions. According to media reports, those who tested positive were isolated and vulnerable persons will be transferred out of the centre to be cared for “in a […]

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05 April 2020 – Greece

In mid-March, Greece announced that its plans to transform the hotspots on Leros and Kos into closed reception centres would be accelerated and that all visits to hotspots would be suspended in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, national and international organisations subsequently issued urgent calls to reduce overcrowding in hotspots, including Médecins Sans Frontières […]

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Migrants and asylum seekers, arriving from Lesvos, are examined by medical personnel on 15 March 2020 (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/24/eu-urged-to-evacuate-asylum-seekers-from-cramped-greek-island-camps-coronavirus)

05 April 2020 – United Kingdom

Human rights organisations and legal bodies have repeatedly called on the UK Home office to release immigration detainees. While some 300 individuals were released from removal centres by the end of March, a legal filing seeking the release of all immigration detainees was blocked by the High Court. When the crisis first began to escalate […]

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Despite a confirmed case of Covid-19 within the facility, women continue to be placed in Yarl's Wood Removal Centre (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/coronavirus-yarls-wood-immigration-detention-removal-centre-home-office-a9417056.html)

04 April 2020 – Indonesia

Although immigration detention is no longer emphasized in Indonesia, reports suggest that refugees and asylum seekers in the country face a dire situation as it is impossible to keep any social distance as many share rooms in cramped apartments and those accommodated in IOM-operated sites live in severely overcrowded conditions. In addition, with no “rights […]

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Refugee Women Making Masks for Vulnerable Indonesians, 4 April 2020, (https://www.unhcr.org/id/en/12397-alongside-the-government-of-indonesia-partner-organizations-and-sister-un-agencies-unhcr-ensures-that-refugees-are-not-left-behind-in-covid-19-response.html)

04 April 2020 – Switzerland

Swiss authorities have temporarily closed some immigration detention facilities, and detainees who have contracted the virus have been placed in isolation in prisons. In the early stages of the virus’ spread within the country, three Covid-19 cases were detected within federal asylum centres (Chevrilles, Basel, and Bern). Transfers between such facilities were subsequently reduced, but […]

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Detainees Playing Football During Recreation in the Frambois Detention Centre in Geneva, (https://www.letemps.ch/suisse/un-licenciement-injuste-coute-tres-cher-letat-geneve)

03 April 2020 – Bosnia and Herzegovina

According to the UN, although the number of COVID-19 cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina is still considered manageable (under 500 as of 1 April) “the infection rate is rising fast and is expected to peak in the coming weeks. The authorities have taken measures to prevent the spread of the disease nationwide, such as curfews […]

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Ivan Romano,