In the past year we have witnessed–and worked with our partners to help achieve–important victories limiting the use of indefinite immigration detention; at the same time, however, there has been an unmistakable entrenchment of detention as an enforcement tool as migration and refugee pressures grow in nearly every corner of the globe. […]
Annual Reports
2022 Annual Report: Building Partnerships, Harnessing Data, Ending Arbitrary Immigration Detention
Policy-makers, scholars, and advocates often obsess over detention numbers: How many people were detained last year? How many more people are being detained now? How many are detained in a given detention centre? But there is another statistic that receives much less attention: how many people die in immigration detention? […]

2021 Annual Report: Global Tools, Local Impact
Just as the COVID-19 pandemic revealed important lessons about the harm caused by migration-related detention, so too has Russia’s war on Ukraine revealed Europe’s selective humanitarianism. We have sought to engage these challenges proactively, effectively, and in partnership with allies and advocates at all levels, from local advocacy groups to networks spread across the international community. A common thread that ties our work together over the past year is our effort to ensure that global tools have local impact. […]

2020 Annual Report
As we look back at 2020, the dramatic impact of COVID-19 on the lives of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, and other vulnerable non-citizens across the globe appears to overshadow all else. But this Annual Report reveals that even as we sought to steady the GDP ship through this storm, we managed to make important advancements in our core objectives and outputs. […]

Global Detention Project Annual Report 2019
The year 2019 marked the final year of the GDP’s first Strategic Plan. In this Annual Report, we discuss in detail how our strategy has shaped our activities and led us to become more engaged with activists, practitioners, policy-makers, scholars, and—critically—detainees and their families. […]

Global Detention Project Annual Report 2018
What conditions do asylum seekers, migrants, and refugees face in detention around the world? What countries have reformed their migration policies and what countries are still using unnecessary immigration detention? What progress has been made and what still needs to be done? The GDP’s 2018 Annual Report takes a look. […]

Global Detention Project Annual Report 2017
Throughout 2018, the Global Detention Project’s researchers documented the conditions non-citizens face in detention facilities around the world to ensure that systematic information about the treatment migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers face in detention is made available to advocates and so that governments can be held accountable. […]

Global Detention Project Annual Report 2016
The Global Detention Project completed its second full year as an independent association in 2016. This annual report details the GDP’s key accomplishments and developments during the year. […]

GDP Annual Report 2014-2015
In December 2015, the Global Detention Project completed its first fiscal year as an independent association after operating for nearly eight years at the Graduate Institute. This Annual Report details the origins and evolution of the GDP and its efforts to confront the growing use of immigration detention.