Country: Trinidad and Tobago
City & Region: Chaguaramas, Americas
Latitude, Longitude: 10.68433891186097, -61.615830632477575
Type: Military base (Ad Hoc)
Custodial Authority: Not Available
Management: Trinidad and Tobago Coastguard (Governmental)
Detains: Adult men, Adult women, Families, Accompanied minors, Asylum seekers (administrative), Undocumented migrants (administrative)
Conditions complaints? | Capacity | Reported population |
YES2024 |
No Data |
No Data |
The Chaguaramas Heliport was declared a migrant detention centre at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, and authorities stated that it would remain in operation for the duration of the pandemic. However, since the WHO declared the pandemic over in May 2023, migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers (amongst them children) have continued to be detained in the facility. Reports allege that the centre is frequently overcrowded, that detainees are provided with inadequate food and water, and that detainees are exposed to sexual abuse.
Country: Trinidad and Tobago
City & Region: Chaguaramas, Americas
Latitude, Longitude: 10.68433891186097, -61.615830632477575