Jeb Jennine Prison
Country: Lebanon
City & Region: Jeb Jennine, Beqaa (جب جنين - البقاع), Middle East
Latitude, Longitude: 33.62728582139303, 35.78452850725626
Contact Information
Jeb Jennine Prison (سجن جب جنين) is located in Jeb Jennine, Beqaa (جب جنين - البقاع). The prison has a phone number of 08-660001 and a fax number of 08-663015. It has a minimum capacity of 65 inmates and a maximum capacity of 90 inmates. The prison is situated in the Jeb Jennine Governmental Serail on the lower floor (سرايا جب جنين الحكومية - الطابق السفلي).
fax: +961 1 427775
fax: +961 1 427775