January 2014 Newsletter
Global Detention Project Newsletter January 2014 NEW GDP COUNTRY PROFILES Malta Officials in Malta have argued that unauthorized migration to the country has reached an “emergency scale” and that there is a “national crisis” with respect to administrative detention. When Maltese officials refer to this “crisis,” they argue that Malta represents an exceptional case due […]
Does making immigration detention more humane make it more widespread?
Online debate between Michael Flynn (Global Detention Projecy) and Michelle Brané (Women’s Refugee Commission) over the strategies for countering the growth of immigration detention. Read entire debate here. […]
Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency – Access to Information Request, 24.12.2013
The Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency’s official response to an information request submitted by the Global Detention Project and Access Info Europe in 2013 as part of a joint project to map access to migration-related detention data in several dozen countries in Europe and North America. The results of the investigation were reported in the joint […]

Immigration, Human Rights, and Language
An increasing number of countries around the world are relying on immigration detention as an important tool for managing their populations of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers. This development has generated a growing backlash among rights actors, who are concerned about the negative impact detention can have on the physical and psychological wellbeing of migrants. […]