Foreigners account for nearly 90 percent of Qatar’s 2.2 million population, and thousands – including pregnant women and their children – have been detained in recent years, sometimes for periods lasting more than a year and in overcrowded conditions. The GDP and Migrant-Rights.Org’s latest submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination highlights the conditions migrants face, and presents key concerns that Qatar should address. […]
Submissions & RecommendationsTargeted submissions and recommendations produced by the Global Detention Project, often in collaboration with partner organisations, for regional and international human rights monitoring mechanisms, treaty review bodies, interactive dialogues, consultations, and commissioned studies.
Targeted submissions and recommendations produced by the Global Detention Project, often in collaboration with partner organisations, for regional and international human rights monitoring mechanisms, treaty review bodies, interactive dialogues, consultations, and commissioned studies.
Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Luxembourg
In 2013, following its examination of the combined third and fourth periodic reports of Luxembourg, the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) recommended that Luxembourg adopt legislation to prevent the detention of unaccompanied children. Today, however, the country’s legislation continues to allow for their detention. In our latest submission to the CRC, the GDP poses key questions that Luxembourg should be urged to address. […]

Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Niger
Niger has long been a country of origin as well as of transit. More recently, there has been a steady flow of return migration as well as evacuations from North Africa. In its humanitarian plan for Niger for 2018, UNICEF explains that “Multi-sectoral humanitarian interventions will cover new areas, including those affected by the Malian border crisis and locations registering increasing numbers of vulnerable migrant children returning from Algeria and Libya.” […]

Ad-Hoc Submission to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture: France
France has one of Europe’s oldest and most widespread immigration detention systems, and within the Council of Europe, it detains the largest number of non-citizens—in 2016, it placed a record 46,000 foreigners in detention. However, during the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture’s (CPT) last visit to France in 2015, members did not visit […]

Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review: Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council 31st session, November 2018 The Global Detention Project (GDP) is a non-profit research centre based in Geneva, Switzerland, that investigates the use of detention in response to global migration. The GDP’s aims include: (1) providing researchers, advocates, and journalists with a […]

Submission to the Universal Periodic Review: Malaysia
Malaysia Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council 31st session, November 2018 The Global Detention Project (GDP) is an independent research centre based in Geneva that investigates the use of detention as a response to international migration. Its objectives are to improve transparency in the treatment of detainees, to encourage […]

Joint Submission to the UN Committee on Migrant Workers: Algeria
Algérie: Problèmes Liés Á La Détention Des Migrants Information à destination du Comité des travailleurs migrants (CMW) 28ème Session (9-20 avril 2018) Genève, mars 2018 Le Global Detention Project (GDP) et le Collectif Loujna Tounkaranké apprécient l’occasion qui leur est offerte de fournir des informations en amont de l’examen du deuxième rapport périodique de l’Algérie […]

Joint Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW): Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Global Detention Project and joint Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 69th session (19th February – 9 March 2018) Geneva, January 2018 Issues related to immigration detention The Global Detention Project (GDP) and welcome the opportunity to provide information relevant to the consideration of […]

Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR): Germany
Germany Joint Global Detention Project and Jesuit Refugee Service Germany Submission to the Universal Periodic Review 30th session of the UPR Working Group, May 2018 Submitting organisations The Global Detention Project (GDP) is an independent research centre based in Geneva, which investigates the use of detention as a response to international migration. Its objectives […]

Global Detention Project Submission concerning the Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration
The GDP submitted comments to the UN Special Representative for International Migration as part of the preparatory phase for the Secretary-General’s report on the Global Compact for Migration. The submission focuses on immigration detention, improved transparency and data collection on the human rights of migrants, and concerns about the human rights commitments of international organizations involved in global migration governance. […]