Panama Plans to Deport Irregular Migrants with Financial Support from the US

Panama’s government is planning to ramp up deportations of migrants who reach the country irregularly through the Darién Gap at the border between Colombia and Panama. The jungle trek is a highly dangerous route which sees hundreds of thousands of migrants, including children, crossing every year, while also making many vulnerable to violence, sexual abuse, […]

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Migrants undertaking the jungle trek through the Darién Gap (Source: The Guardian -

Panama Immigration Detention Data Profile (2020)

Panama Detention Data (2020) The latest detention-related data from Panama, including immigration and detention-related statistics, domestic laws and policies, international law, and institutional indicators. View the Panama Detention Data Profile Related Reading: Panama: Country Page Report: Immigration Detention in Panama Panama: COVID-19 Updates […]

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Immigration Detention in Panama

An important destination country in Central America, Panama has in recent years overhauled its migration policies in part as a response to a landmark case at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights involving the detention of migrants. Since the case was launched, Panama has adopted a new migration law, decriminalized immigration violations, and established new […]

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Donde Esta La Frontera?

IN THE EARLY MORNING OF DECEMBER 3, 2001, Kanu Okany Patel, a 35- year-old undocumented migrant from Gujarat, India, furtively made his way to the bathroom of a government-run detention center in Guatemala City, tied one end of a sturdy cord he’d secretly stripped from a window curtain around his neck, the other around a […]

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Mexico Migrant Train - Sebastiao Salgado - Flynn/Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists August 2002