Despite being a central focus for EU migration “management” strategies, limited detailed information regarding Niger’s detention of migrants and asylum seekers is available. In a submission to the Universal Periodic Review, the GDP highlights key recommendations that should be made. […]
Niger Immigration Detention Data Profile (2020)
Niger Detention Data (2020) The latest detention-related data from Niger, including immigration and detention-related statistics, domestic laws and policies, international law, and institutional indicators. Key facts: Immigration detainees: Not available (2019) Detained minors: Not available (2019) Refugees: 179,997 (2019) International migrants: 294,161 (2019) New asylum applications: 43,584 (2019) Is the NHRI recognised as independent? Yes […]

Niger: Covid-19 and Detention
Niger’s Covid-19 situation has been directly impacted by measures taken in neighbouring countries, including in particular Libya, whose push backs of migrants into Niger has forced the country to set up quarantines. As of 31 March, 34 people had tested positive for Covid-19 in Niger. The government has taken certain measures to avoid the spread […]

Immigration Detention in Niger: Expanding the EU-Financed Zone of Suffering Through “Penal Humanitarianism”?
Immigration Detention in Niger (2019 Report): Niger has been a principal migration hub for people criss-crossing the Sahel region of Africa for generations. It has also served as an important transit country for migrants and asylum seekers on the Central Mediterranean route through Libya to Europe. More recently, the country has begun receiving third-country nationals who […]

Immigration Detention in Libya: “A Human Rights Crisis”
Libya is notoriously perilous for refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants, who often suffer a litany of abuses, including at the country’s numerous detention facilities. Conditions at these facilities, many of which are under the control of militias, are deplorable. There are frequent shortages of water and food; over-crowding is endemic; detainees can experience physical mistreatment […]

Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Niger
Niger has long been a country of origin as well as of transit. More recently, there has been a steady flow of return migration as well as evacuations from North Africa. In its humanitarian plan for Niger for 2018, UNICEF explains that “Multi-sectoral humanitarian interventions will cover new areas, including those affected by the Malian border crisis and locations registering increasing numbers of vulnerable migrant children returning from Algeria and Libya.” […]