Despite the spiralling war in nearby Sudan—where reports of massacres and widespread starvation have grabbed global attention—Egypt remains poised to adopt a new asylum law that will threaten access to protection for those fleeing the conflict. The law will also allow for arbitrary detention and refoulement based on migration status and without full consideration of […]
Urgent Appeal: Growing Threats to Refugees in Egypt
As new reports of massacres and famine emerge from the conflict in Sudan, Egypt seems poised to adopt a new asylum law that will threaten access to protection for those desperately fleeing the conflict while enabling their detention and refoulement without consideration of individual needs. […]

EGYPT: Submission to the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families
39th Session 2024 Egypt: Urgent Appeal concerning Egypt’s Responses to Humanitarian Crises in Sudan and Eritrea Submitted in June 2024 This document is intended to provide a brief overview of a number of pressing violations facing refugees and migrants in Egypt for consideration by the Committee on Migrant Workers in preparing the list of issues for […]

Egypt: Detaining and Refouling Sudanese Refugees Fleeing Spiralling Conflict in Sudan
There are increasing calls for Egypt to stop its summary detention and deportation of Sudanese who are fleeing the escalating crisis in their country, as well as growing pressure on the European Union to take steps to prevent its aid to the country from being used to violate the rights of refugees. The conflict in […]

Egypt: Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
96th Session (State Report) – April 2024 Issues Related to the Detention and Forced Return of Child Refugees from Sudan This submission provides context for assessing Egypt’s claims in its State report for to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, submitted on 9 February 2023. The submission focuses particularly on evidence developed by parents on […]

Urgent Appeal on the Detention and Refoulement of Sudanese Refugees in Egypt
With the escalating conflict in Sudan between the Sudanese army and opposition paramilitary forces entering its twelfth month, the humanitarian crisis in the country continues to deteriorate, with important spill-over effects into neighbouring Egypt. As large numbers of Sudanese refugees have entered Egypt, Egyptian authorities have responded by ramping up arrests, arbitrary detentions, pushbacks, and […]

The GDP Submits Information Request to the Government of Egypt
The GDP Submits Information Request to the Government of Egypt

Egypt: Covid-19 and Detention
While Egypt has been courting world leaders in Sharm el Sheikh as the host for COP27, it has continued to arbitrarily and indefinitely detain thousands of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Many are also being forcibly deported to countries where they may face persecution or torture. Egypt has a track record of detaining non-nationals for […]

Urgent Appeal: The Case of Egypt and Eritrea
Working in coordination with journalists and NGO partners in North Africa, we launched a multi-pronged awareness campaign about the plight of Eritrean refugees—including children and families—detained in Egypt’s abysmal police detention centres. Egypt has repeatedly deported refugees back to Eritrea despite the fact that many have disappeared upon arrival or suffered severe abuses or torture. […]

Egypt: Covid-19 and Detention
On 10 September, reports from human rights groups and independent journalists began circulating about Egypt’s efforts to remove two asylum seekers who had been detained for several years but who had purportedly been cleared for deporation back to Eritrea–in violation of Egypt’s international treaty obligations–where they would likely face torture and possibly execution. According to […]